The International Ocean Institute (IOI) Training Workshop on Basic Concepts of Ocean Governance for Early Career Ocean Practitioners, with a focus on the African Seas (Workshop) aimed at providing a basic interdisciplinary introduction to the concepts of Ocean governance, targeted to ECOPs hailing from countries bordering the seas of the African continent.
The workshop was was offered online through a series of e-workshops over a period of four sessions in November (1,3,8 & 10 Nov) 2022, in modular form, around four major themes: Basic Concepts of Ocean Governance, The Ocean and Sustainable Development, The Blue Economy and Societal Perspectives and Stakeholder Engagement.
It was designed to meet the following objectives:
contribute to advancing the objectives of the Ocean Decade by shaping the ocean policy and literacy agendas.
serve as a resource for intergenerational knowledge exchange, to develop skills and knowledge to advance ocean sustainability and the objectives of the Ocean Decade.
identify, create, and share professional development opportunities to advance ECOP careers while paving a way for the next generation, particularly for underrepresented groups of society.
- connect ECOPs to foster collaborations across geographies, disciplines and sectors to address global ocean sustainability challenges, especially those pertinent to the African Seas.
Over 450 applications from all over Africa were received – a clear message that there is demand for these short workshops on the topic of ocean governance with a regional focus. Since the Workshop necessarily placed emphasis on discussion and active engagement during our training initiatives, only a limited number of people were accepted (30) in order to foster and optimise the interactive aspect of the learning experience.
Participants came from 9 countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa, and Tanzania.
The training sessions were delivered as follows:
- Basic Concepts of Ocean Governance – 1 November 2022
- The Ocean and Sustainable Development – 3 November
- The Blue Economy and Societal Perspectives – 8 November
- Stakeholder Engagement; Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning – 10 November
Word cloud of participants thoughts on Ocean Governance

Resource Persons and Training Materials
The trainers, resource persons and speakers were selected by the International Ocean Institute. The experts in various fields of natural sciences, and other relevant disciplines such as maritime law, sociology and economics and skills development will be under the overall direction of IOI and were tasked with enabling exchanges between the natural and social sciences, essential to grasp the interdisciplinary subject of Ocean Governance.
Participants were provided with a set of training materials, allowing them to follow the training with ease and deepen their knowledge with background readings. The programme material included handouts, additional reading material and copies of the PowerPoint slides used by the experts.
Screenshots of participants

Participant testimonials

The information on this page comes from the Training Report delivered by the International Ocean Institute.
Thanks go to IOC-UNESCO and Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) for their generous funding to support this capacity development training.